Friday, January 6, 2012


I love the Holidays!!! I love being around my family and friends. The thing was I did not get to leave this beautiful town of Rexburg until Christmas eve and let me tell ya it was quite and adventure. I left at 2 am and got into Salt Lake at about 6. Mind you my plane did not leave until almost 9 am. The ride down was less than eventful. I attempted to sleep which I had not gotten in almost 2 days. So get through security and realize that there is no way that I am going to be able to sleep.
Fast forward an hour and I am waiting for my aunt to show up to catch the same flight. I go make sure that we have seats next to each other. I'm pretty excited I have not seen her in like a month and could not wait to talk to her. Well they start boarding the plane and my aunts still has not gone through security. I'm freaking out and sitting there waiting for her. Final boarding is called and still no Amanda she calls and goes just get on the plane. So I do and I think great she has missed the flight. Then this high maintenance lady sitting behind me is freaking out....I mean freaking out yelling at the flight attendance to wait for her daughter. So I call my aunt and tell her to try and hurry because they are holding the plane. Long story short she still missed the plane.
So high maintenance lady's daughter gets there she is just like her mother....GREAAAAT! Well one of her kids is a wanna be Jimmer. Typical Utah people. He proceeds to kick the back of my seat the whole flight to Spokane. Almost killed the kid. So did not get to sleep again. Finally I am in Spokane and I get off the plane and head to get my bags. I am going to find my family and put my bags away and High maintenance and her family walk out and sure enough she is in a full length fur coat. I wanted to beat them all.
I was so happy to see my family but man did I want to sleep. I have learned that I need to sleep before I go visit my family. They had so much planed out for us that day alone.
I finally got to finish my shopping for Christmas and then I think "I can finally take a nap." Think again Kaylie you get to go stand out in the cold to watch eagles. SO go do that and it starts raining. I am so miserable and cold and wet. The best part I could count the amount of eagles that I saw on 2 fingers.
After that though I get to take a nap.
Christmas Eve night was fun as usual. Kids and food everywhere. I was so excited at the fact that I got a Walmart gift card. The best part of that was I thought to myself "YES free food!" Got to love being a college student.
Christmas morning was the best. My dad woke all of the kids up. That is not right at all. The best part is that he didn't even leave his bed to do so. He called both my brother and me then the little kiddos got up.
I did get some pretty good presents. I get to go to Coldplay this April!! Thank you Santa. Actually I got 2 tickets in my stocking and Morgan did not get one. So me being me goes "I think Santa wants me to bring a boyfriend." Morgan was not to happy. I got another camera. a couple of books and other things like that.
Off to church we go at 9 am. Man I did not miss that at all. We only had sacrament meeting and it was great. Then home for breakfast and the Elders came over too. I proceeded to fall on my butt getting out of the car...LOVE MY LIFE!

Sarah looks so happy that it is Christmas...I'm not that bad when I don't get sleep

Morgan and I got bored before church.

We then watched Recess School is out. I love that movie so much! Then headed up to my grandpa's family. I have not seen them in a long time and it was so fun and good to see them.
Over all it was a good day and I had so much fun.
Monday I just hung out and cleaned things up. I went to my Grandma's house and hung out it was tons of fun. I got to hang out with Marcy. We went downtown and I ate at Red Robin. I have missed that place. Rexy needs to get some good food restaurants. Then went home and hung out.
Tuesday a day full of crazy. I went and saw people at work. I miss Larry and Charlie. They are so funny. Charlie was surprised that I was not married and did not have a kid yet. I took an order and that was so weird but good to know I still had it. Then I hung out with my Grandma and my aunt and her kids. They had an air soft war in the back yard. we had a twister tournament too. after dinner we went out and watched Breaking Dawn. After that I went and hung out with Ben Jon O Zach and Brittney.It was so good to see all of them.
WE played games and watched a movie and I didn't get home until 4 am. Yeah that is never good.
Wednesday was me just getting ready to leave the next day. So got shopping done and fun things like that.
Then the travels back....Yeah almost missed my plane then my bus broke down and I was late for work.
Then worked the rest of the week.
New Years Eve....Yeah had some people over and played games it was way fun.
There is one thing that I am sure about. Last year was all sorts of Crazy and I had good times and some not so good times but I've learned a lot and cant wait for this year. I cannot wait to see what it brings. I have a feeling it will be a good one!

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